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Shelly Qubino Wave 1PM - Micromódulo Relé 16A con medición de consumo



Relé simple de tecnología inalámbrica Z-Wave válido para 110-240V AC máxima carga 16A en corriente alterna o 24-30V DC máxima carga 10A en corriente contínua. Shelly Qubino Wave 1PM es la nueva generación de interruptor de gran alcance para domótica Z-Wave con chip serie 800 en el interior.

Protección contra sobrecarga, tensión y temperatura
Rápido procesador ESP32
Z-Wave 800

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En Stock - Envío inmediato

28,79 €


31,99 €

Características técnicas

Tecnología Domótica Z-Wave Serie 800


Micromódulo Interruptor inteligente Z-Wave™, 1 canal 16 A, con medición de potencia.

Controle y mida el consumo eléctrico de una amplia gama de electrodomésticos y equipos de oficina (luces, líneas eléctricas, sistemas de seguridad, calefactores, calentadores de agua, etc.) desde cualquier lugar.

Medición de potencia
Consumo de energía extremadamente bajo: 0.3 W.
Banda de frecuencia Z-Wave: 868,4 MHz (países CEPT)
Última tecnología: Chip Z-Wave Serie 800
Configuración automática con SmartStart
Seguridad 2 autenticada para el máximo nivel de seguridad
Admite actualizaciones de firmware por aire
Instalación sencilla en la mayoría de cajas eléctricas e interruptores estándar
Funciona con pasarelas certificadas Z-Wave y más de 4.000 dispositivos Z-Wave
* No se incluye una puerta de enlace (concentrador inteligente). Se requiere una pasarela (smart hub) para la configuración del dispositivo.

Wave 1PM es compatible hacia atrás en  cuanto a tecnología Z-Wave y está diseñado para encajar detrás de cualquier interruptor o enchufe, transformándolo al instante en inteligente.  Una vez instalado, inclúyalo en su red Z-Wave (se requiere pasarela Z-Wave) y controle los electrodomésticos conectados desde cualquier lugar utilizando su smartphone o tableta. Los dispositivos Shelly Qubino funcionan con más de 4000 dispositivos y pasarelas certificados por la Z-Wave Alliance.

Funciona con Z-Wave

Conecta Wave 1PM a tu red Z-Wave y contrólalo a distancia. Es compatible con todas las pasarelas Z-Wave certificadas.


Establezca una comunicación directa entre los dispositivos de su red local Z-Wave y defina acciones personalizadas sin necesidad de un concentrador.

Control del consumo eléctrico

Wave 1PM proporciona una supervisión precisa del consumo de energía.

Amplia gama de voltajes

Utilice una amplia gama de niveles de tensión de salida.

Horarios personalizados

Cree horarios personalizados alineados con su rutina diaria o sincronícelos con la salida/puesta del sol para gestionar su iluminación (requiere pasarela).

Escenas inteligentes

Configura escenas personalizadas combinando Wave 1PM con cualquier otro dispositivo Z-wave (requiere pasarela).

Un sinfín de aplicaciones de uso

Controle el sistema de su piscina a distancia

Automatice el sistema de su piscina y disfrute de agua fresca y limpia durante todo el verano. Shelly Wave 1PM le permite programar y supervisar fácilmente el funcionamiento de los equipos de la piscina. Establezca rutinas para hacer funcionar automáticamente la bomba de la piscina y el sistema de filtración, optimizando la circulación del agua y manteniendo su claridad. Programe el encendido automático de las luces de la piscina a medida que desaparece la luz del día y sumérjase en una experiencia más eficiente y agradable.

Automatice y controle sus electrodomésticos desde cualquier lugar

Automatice fácilmente y controle a distancia una amplia gama de electrodomésticos de su casa, como calentadores de agua, aparatos de calefacción, luces y muchos más. Imagine despertarse en un hogar acogedor en una mañana fría, ya que sus aparatos de calefacción se activan automáticamente incluso antes de que usted salga de la cama. También puede encender el calentador de agua a distancia para disponer de agua caliente después de un largo día. Disfrute de la comodidad, la eficiencia energética y el control personalizado que Shelly Wave 1PM aporta a su vida diaria.

Controle su consumo de energía y reduzca los costes de electricidad

Con la medición precisa de energía integrada de Wave 1PM, puede realizar un seguimiento y controlar el consumo de sus aparatos eléctricos, lo que simplifica el ahorro en sus facturas de electricidad. Optimice el consumo de energía sin renunciar al confort.

Maximice el confort de su hogar

con escenas inteligentes
Combine Wave 1PM con otros dispositivos y cree escenas personalizadas en función de la hora, la iluminación o diversos activadores. Apaga las luces, los dispositivos multimedia, bloquea las puertas y ajusta la calefacción, todo ello con un simple comando de voz o una pulsación en tu smartphone.

Alimentacion 110-240 V AC / 24–30 V DC
Power consumption < 0.3 W
Power measurement (W) Yes
Max switching voltage AC 240 V
Max switching current AC 16 A
Max switching voltage DC 30 V
Max switching current DC 10 A
Overheating protection Yes
Overload protection Yes
Distance Up to 40 m indoors (131 ft.) (depends on local condition)
Z-Wave™ repeater: Yes
CPU Z-Wave™ S800
Z-Wave™ frequency bands: 868,4 MHz; 865,2 MHz; 869,0 MHz; 921,4 MHz; 908,4 MHz; 916 MHz; 919,8 MHz; 922,5 MHz; 919,7-921,7-923,7 MHz; 868,1 MHz; 920,9 MHz
Maximum radio frequency power transmitted in frequency band(s) < 25 mW
Size (H x W x D) 37x42x16 ±0.5 mm / 1.46x1.65x0.63 ±0.02 in
Weight 27 g / 0.95 oz.
Mounting Wall console
Screw terminals max. torque 0.4 Nm / 3.5 lbin
Conductor cross section 0.5 to 1.5 mm² / 20 to 16 AWG
Conductor stripped length 5 to 6 mm / 0.20 to 0.24 in
Shell material Plastic
Color Red
Ambient temperature -20°C to 40°C / -5°F to 105°F
Humidity 30% to 70% RH
Max. altitude 2000 m / 6562 ft.

Información Ampliada Z-Wave (Inglés)

Nombre: Wave 1PM
Fabricante:Shelly Qubino
Número de Certificación Z-Wave:ZC14-23100356
Plataforma Hardware:EFR32ZG23A
Tipo de Role:Always On End Node
Descripción Corta:The Device is a single product that enables the control of the on/off function for one electrical device such as bulb, ceiling fan, IR heater. It measures the power consumption of the connected device.
Descripción:The Device is a single product that enables the control of the on/off function for one electrical device such as bulb, ceiling fan, IR heater. It measures the power consumption of the connected device.
Max Nodos
Tamaño (Bytes)
Valor por Defecto
SW1 Switch type
0 push, 1 toggle state, 2 toggle change
Factory reset
Factory reset
Restore state of O1 after power failure
0 restore, 1 no restore
Turn O1 OFF Automatically with timer
0 - 32535, 0 disabled
Turn O1 ON Automatically with timer
0 - 32535, 0 disabled
Serial Number 1
Serial Number 1
Serial Number 2
Serial Number 2
Serial Number 3
Serial Number 3
0 NO, 1 NC
Set timer units to Seconds or Milliseconds for O1
0 seconds, 1 millisecods
O1 Power report on change - percenatge
1-100 percentage, 0 disabled
O1 min reporting time
1-120 seconds, 0 disabled
Alarm conf. - Water
0 no action 1 open relay 2 close relay
Alarm conf. - Smoke
0 no action 1 open relay 2 close relay
Alarm conf. - CO
0 no action 1 open relay 2 close relay
Alarm conf. - Heat
0 no action 1 open relay 2 close relay
Association Group Information (AGI) V3
Association V2
Basic V2
Binary Switch V2
Configuration V4
Device Reset Locally
Firmware Update Meta Data V5
Indicator V3
Manufacturer Specific V2
Meter V6
Multi Channel Association V3
Notification V8
Security 0
Security 2
Transport Service V2
Version V3
Z-Wave Plus Info V2
Where to find S2 DSK on product
When adding the Device to a Z-Wave network with a gateway supporting Security 2 (S2), the PIN Code of the Z-Wave Device Specific Key (DSK) is required. You can find it on the label on the side of the Device and a copy is inserted in the packaging, which must not be lost. Do not remove the Z-Wave DSK label from the Device. As a backup measure, use the label in the packaging.

The first five digits of the key are highlighted or underlined to help the user identify the PIN Code part of the DSK text. The DSK is additionally represented with a QR Code as shown on the image.
Classic Inclusion
6.1 Adding the Device to a Z-Wave™ network (inclusion)

Note! All Device outputs (O, O1, O2, etc. - depending on the Device type) will turn the load 1s on/1s off /1s on/1s off if the Device is successfully added to/removed from a Z-Wave™ network.

6.1.1 SmartStart adding (inclusion)

SmartStart enabled products can be added into a Z-Wave™ network by scanning the Z-Wave™ QR Code present on the Device with a gateway providing SmartStart inclusion. No further action is required, and the SmartStart device will be added automatically within 10 minutes of being switched on in the network vicinity.

1. With the gateway application scan the QR code on the Device label and add the Security 2 (S2) Device Specific Key (DSK) to the provisioning list in the gateway.

2. Connect the Device to a power supply.

3. Check if the blue LED is blinking in Mode 1. If so, the Device is not added to a Z-Wave™ network.

4. Adding will be initiated automatically within a few seconds after connecting the Device to a power supply, and the Device will be added to a Z-Wave™ network automatically.

5. The blue LED will be blinking in Mode 2 during the adding process.

6. The green LED will be blinking in Mode 1 if the Device is successfully added to a Z-Wave™ network.

6.1.2 Adding (inclusion) with a switch/push-button

1. Connect the Device to a power supply.

2. Check if the blue LED is blinking in Mode 1. If so, the Device is not added to a Z-Wave™ network.

3. Enable add/remove mode on the gateway.

4. Toggle the switch/push-button connected to any of the SW terminals (SW, SW1, SW2, etc.) 3 times within 3 seconds (this procedure puts the Device in Learn mode*). The Device must receive on/off signal 3 times, which means pressing the momentary switch 3 times, or toggling the switch on and off 3 times.

5. The blue LED will be blinking in Mode 2 during the adding process.

6. The green LED will be blinking in Mode 1 if the Device is successfully added to a Z-Wave™ network.

*Learn mode - a state that allows the Device to receive network information from the gateway.

6.1.3 Adding (inclusion) with the S button

1. Connect the Device to a power supply.

2. Check if the blue LED is blinking in Mode 1. If so, the Device is not added to a Z-Wave™ network.

3. Enable add/remove mode on the gateway.

4. To enter the Setting mode, quickly press and hold the S button on the Device until the LED turns solid blue.

5. Quickly release and then press and hold (> 2s) the S button on the Device until the blue LED starts blinking in Mode 3. Releasing the S button will start the Learn mode.

6. The blue LED will be blinking in Mode 2 during the adding process.

7. The green LED will be blinking in Mode 1 if the Device is successfully added to a Z-Wave™ network.

Note! In Setting mode, the Device has a timeout of 10s before entering again into Normal mode.
Classic Exclusion
Removing the Device from a Z-Wave™ network (exclusion)

Note! The Device will be removed from your Z-wave™ network, but any custom configuration parameters will not be erased.

Note! All Device outputs (O, O1, O2, etc. - depending on the Device type) will turn the load 1s on/1s off /1s on/1s off if the Device is successfully added to/removed from a Z-Wave™ network.

6.2.1 Removing (exclusion) with a switch/push-button

1. Connect the Device to a power supply.

2. Check if the green LED is blinking in Mode 1. If so, the Device is added to a Z-Wave™ network.

3. Enable add/remove mode on the gateway.

4. Toggle the switch/push-button connected to any of the SW terminals (SW, SW1, SW2,…) 3 times within 3 seconds (this procedure puts the Device in Learn mode). The Device must receive on/off signal 3 times, which means pressing the momentary switch 3 times, or toggling the switch on and off 3 times.

5. The blue LED will be blinking in Mode 2 during the removing process.

6. The blue LED will be blinking in Mode 1 if the Device is successfully removed from a Z-Wave™ network.

6.2.2 Removing (exclusion) with the S button

1. Connect the Device to a power supply.

2. Check if the green LED is blinking in Mode 1. If so, the Device is added to a Z-Wave™ network.

3. Enable add/remove mode on the gateway.

4. To enter the Setting mode, quickly press and hold the S button on the Device until the LED turns solid blue.

5. Quickly release and then press and hold (> 2s) the S button on the Device until the blue LED starts blinking in Mode 3. Releasing the S button will start the Learn mode.

6. The blue LED will be blinking in Mode 2 during the removing process.

7. The blue LED will be blinking in Mode 1 if the Device is successfully removed from a Z-Wave™ network.

Note! In Setting mode, the Device has a timeout of 10s before entering again into Normal mode.
Factory Reset Procedure
6.3 Factory reset

6.3.1 Factory reset general

After Factory reset, all custom parameters and stored values (kWh, associations, routings, etc.) will return to their default state. HOME ID and NODE ID assigned to the Device will be deleted. Use this reset procedure only when the gateway is missing or otherwise inoperable.

6.3.2 Factory reset with a switch/push-button

Note! Factory reset with a switch/push-button is only possible within the first minute after the Device is connected to a power supply.

1. Connect the Device to a power supply.

2. Toggle the switch/push-button connected to any of the SW terminals (SW, SW1, SW2,…) 5 times within 3 seconds. The Device must receive on/off signal 5 times, which means pressing the push-button 5 times, or toggling the switch on and off 5 times.

3. During factory reset, the LED will turn solid green for about 1s, then the blue and red LED will start blinking in Mode 3 for approx. 2s.

4. The blue LED will be blinking in Mode 1 if the Factory reset is successful.

6.3.3 Factory reset with the S button

Note! Factory reset with the S button is possible anytime.

1. To enter the Setting mode, quickly press and hold the S button on the Device until the LED turns solid blue.

2. Press the S button multiple times until the LED turns solid red.

3. Press and hold (> 2s) S button on the Device until the red LED starts blinking in Mode 3. Releasing the S button will start the factory reset.

4. During factory reset, the LED will turn solid green for about 1s, then the blue and red LED will start blinking in Mode 3 for approx. 2s.

5. The blue LED will be blinking in Mode 1 if the Factory reset is successful.

6.3.4 Remote factory reset with parameter with the gateway

Factory reset can be done remotely with the settings in Parameter No. 120.
S2 Authenticated
S2 Unauthenticated
If the product is only available in one color, pick the color from the list.
Electric Load Type
Select the electric load type(s) supported by the device.
Firmware Updatable
Indicates whether the firmware can be updated and whether it is done by the consumer or a technician.
Neutral Wire Required
For electric in-wall/wired switches, indicate whether a neutral wire is required for installation.
Switch Load Capacity Current
The amount of switch load energy the product is rated for in Amps
Switch Type
Describes the type of operator for a switch.



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Shelly Qubino Wave 1PM - Micromódulo Relé 16A con medición de consumo

Shelly Qubino Wave 1PM - Micromódulo Relé 16A con medición de consumo

Relé simple de tecnología inalámbrica Z-Wave válido para 110-240V AC máxima carga 16A en corriente alterna o 24-30V DC máxima carga 10A en corriente contínua. Shelly Qubino Wave 1PM es la nueva generación de interruptor de gran alcance para domótica Z-Wave con chip serie 800 en el interior.

Protección contra sobrecarga, tensión y temperatura
Rápido procesador ESP32
Z-Wave 800

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